FAQ overview
Yes, the Dutch register is not an open register. The authorities value the relationship and the genuine link between the flag state, the vessel and the vessel owner. Authorities will not intervene with the owner’s business operations, but do require a local representative for matters such as safety, manning and environmental issues. Therefore, the vessel owner will have to have an office in the Netherlands. However, it is permissible to appoint a ship manager based in the Netherlands as a representative. The owner (or ship manager) will have to be registered with the Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate (NSI).
We strongly recommend to start with a provisional registration process. This allows you to start preparing for the necessary documentation (such as Safe Manning Document, DMLC Part 1). Once you have received a provisional certificate of registration (voorlopige zeebrief) you can apply for the required liability certificates. Provisional registration also means that you can instruct a classification institution to start performing certification services. Generally, the provisional registration process allows for the shortest time to start sailing under the Dutch flag.
In principle the regulations state that for Dutch registration, the captain needs Dutch nationality or the nationality of another EU country. Under certain circumstances requests for an exemption are granted, as for instance the non-availability of a Dutch captain. The Royal Dutch Shipowners Association (KVNR) together with the seafarer’s trade union Nautilus will assess each case on an individual basis in order to grant an exemption.
The main requirement is that the certificate of registration is returned to the ILT/NSI and that the shipowner applies for a bareboat out declaration by using the form on the ILT/NSI website.
As a foreigner you are advises to contact Kiwa directly by sending a contact form on the Kiwa portal or by telephone, number +31 (0)88 998 48 88