What's happening
Maasvliet delivered
Holland Shipyard Group has successfully delivered the cable recovery vessel Maasvliet (flying the Dutch flag), the first of five CIP3800 vessels, for Hudig & Veder. The first three of these will be operated by Hartel Shipping.
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Van Oord celebrates delivery of offshore installation vessel
Offshore installation vessel Boreas (flying the Dutch flag) has successfully been handed over to Van Oord during a festive ceremony at the Yantai CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd. shipyard in China. After an intensive construction period, colleagues, partners and suppliers came together to celebrate this special milestone.
Read more about Van Oord celebrates delivery of offshore installation vessel
Vertom Willemijn launched
Early December Vertom Willemijn (flying the Dutch flag) was successfully christened and launched at the Thecla Bodewes Shipyard in Kampen. The vessel is a 7,280 dwt vessel featuring advanced diesel-electric propulsion.
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Delivery MV Vertom Rita
Vertom Group announced the successful delivery of MV Vertom Rita (flying the Dutch flag), the first of a series of 12 diesel-electric short sea vessels ordered from Chowgule Shipyards in India. The 6,000 DWT vessel is the smaller version of the 7,280 DWT vessel built in the Netherlands, of which six have already been successfully delivered.
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FWN Antarctic christened and launched
On November 15 FWN Antarctic (flying the Dutch flag) was christened and launched at the yard of Ferus Smit in Leer. The FWN Antarctic is the third vessel in a series of six that will be delivered to Forestwave Navigation.
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Multraship Towage & Salvage christens newest Tug, Multratug 36
Multraship Towage & Salvage held a christening ceremony on Friday, 1 November, to name their newest tug Multratug 36 (flying the Dutch flag), at their home port of Terneuzen, the Netherlands. The vessel is a Damen ASD Tug 3212.
Read more about Multraship Towage & Salvage christens newest Tug, Multratug 36
Delivery of Longeon
MV Longeon (flying the Dutch flag), the second vessel in a series of four 8,600 dwt newbuildings, has been successfully delivered.
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Anthony Veder Implements Wind-Assisted Propulsion on Gas Carrier with VentoFoils
Anthony Veder has announced the successful installation of two VentoFoils sails, delivered by Econowind, on the ethylene carrier Coral Patula (flying the Dutch flag). This installation marks a pioneering step, as Anthony Veder becomes the first company globally to equip a gas carrier with wind-assisted propulsion technology.
Read more about Anthony Veder Implements Wind-Assisted Propulsion on Gas Carrier with VentoFoils
VERTOM LISA was successfully christened
In July 25 VERTOM LISA (flying the Dutch flag) was successfully christened and launched at Thecla Bodewes Shipyards. The vessel is the latest addition to Vertom Group’s fleet, specifically crafted to meet the rising demands for reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime industry.
Read more about VERTOM LISA was successfully christened